Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and OfferUp are online marketplaces where people buy or sell items with other people locally. What you would do on these websites is, as a seller you can list the item you want to sell and as an interested buyer you can buy the item by meeting face to face. In majority of cases you would use cash for the transaction. Craigslist has been in the news for incidents of assaults or thefts harming people.
The three main problems that happen with such transactions are as follows:
Meet face to face
Safe meeting ideas for people now are to meet at a public place or safe spots designated by local police. These are good precautions, but you still have to meet a stranger face to face.
Use cash
You also have to carry cash for all these transactions. For small dollar items this is not a problem, but when you are buying a luxury purse, jewellery, a phone or electronics carrying a lot of cash becomes a problem
Everyones time is precious. As a seller you want to sell your item as quickly as possible and for buyers it making sure they can get the item is important. But not everyone has the same schedule and because of this buyers loose items if they are not available when the seller wants to meet.
nuBoxZ Locker
nuBoxZ addresses these seller and buyer problems by using a smart locker where a seller can drop-off the item and the buyer can pick-up the item without the need to meet face to face.
A buyer or seller can schedule a transaction with nuBoxZ from the website. Learn about the steps from the video here: Click Here
With nuBoxZ, you do not have to meet face to face, with digital payments you do not have to carry cash and with scheduling you do not have to worry about syncing with the other person.
nuBoxZ provides a smart locker for online resale marketplaces like Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace or OfferUp connecting people to people giving them safety and convenience.